Wednesday 14 February 2018


Had a Wetherspoons breakfast, while reading all my Valentine’s cards. In Otley library now, availing myself of warmth, mains electricity and free wifi. Not silence, though; a few feet away there’s a load of kids being taught circus skills: stilts, juggling, diabolo, hoola hoop, etc. I’m sharing a table. On my right is a man who’s talking to himself, and chuckling, and looking at me, and leafing through a pile of newspapers without reading them. He is, as my dad used to say, “not quite right”. On my left is an elderly couple who are attempting to choose a dishwasher by looking at back issues of Which magazine. He is making copious notes, comparing the various models; she just looks bored. She might be happier to join in with the kids... spinning plates and playing games.

I don't sell many pictures of churches, but this one was licensed today: the Saxon church of St Peter and St Paul, Albury, Surrey Hills...

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