Friday 25 September 2015


Slowly, surely, I’m turning my Romahome into a mobile library. I may have left my home behind, but I haven’t - yet - moderated my book-buying behaviour, almost exclusively from charity shops. The accumulated weight of books is starting to slow me down; time for another session of sorting out. Some books - about what to see, and where to go - will stay in the vehicle; they’re useful for reference and planning an itinerary. Other books, once read, will go back to another charity shop. But the biggest pile of books will need to be bagged up and put into my tiny storage facility…

I got bitten by a Yorkshire Terrier in a pub, last night, in Market Weighton. The landlord wasn’t very sympathetic, merely pointing out that it hadn’t actually broken the skin. I refrained from drop-kicking his mangy little dog over the bar, due to my love of animals. At the time I was watching New Zealand thrashing Namibia at rugby on the pub TV, alongside a guy who had watched every single World Cup match from the same bar stool, and was planning to watch all the games to come as well…

Princes Quay Shopping Centre, Hull...

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